About $10 FOR THEM

$10 for them is a program that provides birthday parties for children who would not normally receive them. Share $10 and the love of Jesus!


Friday, October 4, 2013

September Birthdays:70

In Mussurepe, we celebrated 10 birthdays from August, and September, including Vitor Hugo (Aug. 2), Gisele (Aug. 6), Gustavo (Aug. 10), Lucas Geronemo (Aug. 15), Manuela (Aug. 27), Deivide (Sep. 13), Manuel (Sep. 19),  and Lidiane (Sep. 20)

In Paudalho, we celebrated 9 birthdays, including Alexandra's very first birthday (she lost her birth certificate, so does not know her birthday. We decided to make one up to celebrate her 18th birthday officially!) 
Alexandra turned 18 on September 20!
We also celebrated with Cesar (Sep. 3), Rosane (Sep. 4), Diane (Sep 18)
Neto (Sep. 20), Precilla, Larissa, and Rosana. 
Emanuela, who turned 1 on September 28, wasn't sure about those birthday glasses.
In Lagoa, since we just started, we celebrated all the birthdays (31!) from January-September with lots of cake and smiles: 
In Cajueiro Claro, we celebrated 3 birthdays, with Ivanilson (Sep. 13), Weverton (Sep.18) and Henrique (Sep. 20)
At the Dump, we celebrated 12 birthdays
Miguel (3/9/11), Josiane (4/9/05), Rodrigo (4/9/96), Izaquiel (5/9/02), Diana (6/9/97), Ana Flavia (13/9/01),Vanessa (13/9/07), Glebison (17/9/99), Princess (25/9), Marcella (27/9/99), Izequiel (30/9/02), Moises Jose (30/9/00)
And in Guadalajara, we celebrated 5 birthdays from July, August, and September (since the program had been on hold).

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