About $10 FOR THEM

$10 for them is a program that provides birthday parties for children who would not normally receive them. Share $10 and the love of Jesus!


Friday, October 4, 2013

September Birthdays:70

In Mussurepe, we celebrated 10 birthdays from August, and September, including Vitor Hugo (Aug. 2), Gisele (Aug. 6), Gustavo (Aug. 10), Lucas Geronemo (Aug. 15), Manuela (Aug. 27), Deivide (Sep. 13), Manuel (Sep. 19),  and Lidiane (Sep. 20)

In Paudalho, we celebrated 9 birthdays, including Alexandra's very first birthday (she lost her birth certificate, so does not know her birthday. We decided to make one up to celebrate her 18th birthday officially!) 
Alexandra turned 18 on September 20!
We also celebrated with Cesar (Sep. 3), Rosane (Sep. 4), Diane (Sep 18)
Neto (Sep. 20), Precilla, Larissa, and Rosana. 
Emanuela, who turned 1 on September 28, wasn't sure about those birthday glasses.
In Lagoa, since we just started, we celebrated all the birthdays (31!) from January-September with lots of cake and smiles: 
In Cajueiro Claro, we celebrated 3 birthdays, with Ivanilson (Sep. 13), Weverton (Sep.18) and Henrique (Sep. 20)
At the Dump, we celebrated 12 birthdays
Miguel (3/9/11), Josiane (4/9/05), Rodrigo (4/9/96), Izaquiel (5/9/02), Diana (6/9/97), Ana Flavia (13/9/01),Vanessa (13/9/07), Glebison (17/9/99), Princess (25/9), Marcella (27/9/99), Izequiel (30/9/02), Moises Jose (30/9/00)
And in Guadalajara, we celebrated 5 birthdays from July, August, and September (since the program had been on hold).

Monday, September 16, 2013

July and August Birthdays: 24

Summer holidays make it more difficult to organize birthday parties, but they are continuing to bring joy to the children! We celebrated Daniel, Paulo, Jasmine, Leandro, Ricardo, Alexandre and Edivaldo's birthdays in Cajueiro Claro:
Paulo (M) was shy about taking a picture. This was his first birthday party ever. His mother had lost his birth certificate, so we were not sure when his birthday was. His mother and I (Rachel) made up the date as close as she could remember. We are not sure if he turned 12 or 13. 
We celebrated five birthdays in Guadalajara
And 12 birthdays at the Trash dump:
Mussurepe, Paudalho, and Lagoa birthdays still to come! 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Living Stones Paudalho: Rosineide's Birthday Picnic

Living Stones Paudalho: Rosineide's Birthday Picnic: We are so grateful to the two short-term missions trip groups that left us with party supplies--and a whole bucket of double bubble gum!:) ...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Living Stones Trash Dump: Birthdays Arrive at the Trash Dump

Living Stones Trash Dump: Birthdays Arrive at the Trash Dump: Due to the extreme difficulty of the situation at the trash dump, we hadn't been able to celebrate the birthdays there until now. Gather...

June Birthdays: 17

In June we celebrated 17 birthdays at Living Stones, and finally started celebrating birthdays at the trash dump as well (that is a separate post).
In Cajueiro Claro, we celebrated with Mariana (June 8), Jailson (June 9), Felipe (June 13), and Jon-jon (June 17)
 (Mariana turned 7!)
In Mussurepe, we celebrated with Aline (June 2), and in Carpina with Daniel (June 3)
In Guadalajara, we celebrated with Amanda (June 4), Alan (June 30), and three other boys.
In Paudalho, we celebrated with Rodrigo (June 4), Vera (June 6), Leandro (June 6), Estephania (June 10), Rosilda (June 21), and Joseane (June 27)

May Birthdays: 19

We were very happy to celebrate with Eduarda (May 24, turned 3)
And Igor (May 8) at Cajueiro Claro.
In Mussurepe, the three lovely ladies celebrated (Michaele--May 6, Patricia--May 12, and Eliza--May 11)
(Eliza turned 11)
In Carpina, we celebrated with Ingrid (May 23), Natali (May 7), Nathalia (May 9), and William (May 29)
In Guadalajara, we celebrated with Carolina (May 28) and Suelle (May 15)
And in Paudalho, we celebrated with Mercia (May 1), Isac (May 1), Eduardo (May 9), Emerson (May 10) Erastmas (May 12), Karla (May 27), and Cleyton (May 31)
 (Erastmas with the glasses)
Thank you so much for supporting us--helping with birthdays is creating a new culture for these children, one that says "God made me, God sees me, and God has a plan for my life: and today, I celebrate that."
currently, no money has been coming in for birthday parties. We have barely been receiving enough for our general budget, which goes to food and the daily program. I (Rachel) have been using my own funds to continue this, because I see the great need for it, but I would love to have partners in this: www.wribrazil.com/10forthem

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fifteen April Birthdays

In Cajueiro Claro, we celebrated the birthdays of Caua (April 10), Paulo s. (April 20), Andreia (April 20), Jo-jo (April 26), and Milena (April 30)
In Mussurepe, we celebrated the birthdays of Deyvilla (April 3), Geovane (April 9), Artur (April 18), Cloves (April 24), and Maria Paula (April 24)
We also got to celebrate Koral's birthday (April 25) while she was visiting from the USA. In Paudalho, we celebrated Morgana's birthday (March 29), and Rafael Jose (March 26)

In Carpina, we celebrated Vitoria's birthday (April 19), and Kevin's birthday (one of the helpers)
In Guadalajara, we celebrated Joao Vitor's birthday (April 1)

Monday, March 25, 2013

40 Birthdays Celebrated!

Thank you so much for your continued support! We have many more children now, and are in desperate need for more people to support a child's birthday through www.wribrazil.com/10forthem
The boys at Living Stones Carpina didn't know what was coming when I brought out the birthday glasses:
This is Edekennedy (Feb.20) . Lucas (Jan 27), Deivison (Jan 10), Igor (Mar 4), and Antonio (Mar 27) (along with two boys I didn't get their names) celebrated with us.
Rita (Mar 6) was our only girl to celebrate her birthday, and got a little shy.

The boys at Living Stones Guadalajara lined up like a jail sentence, until they learned there was cake invovled!

This is Wertsosonese (yep), who wasn't sure what day his birthday was, but was sure it was in March. His mother gave me some cake and goodies from his own party, because he was so happy to celebrate with us too! Alex (Mar 22), Wilamy (Jan 9), Jeffiter (Jan 22), and Wemerson also celebrated with us.

The girls in Guadalajara got their poses on.

This is Kerssia, who also doesn't know which day in March is her birthday, but we will only celebrate it once, so now is the time. Jaciara (Jan 9), Elizabeth (Jan 7), Vitoria (Feb 20), Stefany (Jan 14), and Livia celebrated with us.

In Mussurepe, Viviane (Jan 21), Joel (Mar 23), Joelma (Jan 30), Laysa (Mar), and Eline celebrated their birthdays.
I would have expected nothing less from Viviane than this pose:)

In Cajueiro, we celebrated Leticia (Feb 4), Laiza (Jan 25) Anginha (Dec 30), Flavio (Jan 20), Mercia (Feb 23), Camila (Mar 24), and Vitor (Mar 18).

What a lovely couple!
In Paudalho, I was able to visit the some of the familys, and celebrated with Cesar (Jan 7)

I stopped by, but did not get the picture of Glabison (Jan 24), Luana (Jan 24), Lucy (Feb 25), and Roberto (Feb 12). Rafael Jose (Mar 26) and Morgana (Mar 29) will soon be visited.
Leandra was all smiles about her 16th birthday (Mar 12)

My little sweetheart Josefa (Mar 21) turned 6! She shares a birthday with my nephew who turned three, and my friend Joyce who turned...not telling:)
I gave her her first book:). She just started going to school. Thank you for giving! We are scraping the bottom of our resources, and cannot continue to provide for these birthday parties without your help! Please give to our $10 FOR THEM program at www.wribrazil.com/10forthem

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Building Living Stones: 94 Birthdays

Building Living Stones: 94 Birthdays: In 2012, because of your kind giving to the $10 for Them program ( www.wribrazil.com/10forthem  ), we have been able to celebrate 94 birthda...

Building Living Stones: October, November, and December Birthdays

Building Living Stones: October, November, and December Birthdays: Please help us celebrate these birthdays by giving at www.wribrazil.com/10forthem . For $10, you can provide a present, cake, and party for ...

Building Living Stones: Marcone's First Birthday

Building Living Stones: Marcone's First Birthday: Marcone has been a part of Living Stones Paudalho since he was little. He has never been to school, and spends most of his time begging for ...

Building Living Stones: Happy Birthday--You are Special

Building Living Stones: Happy Birthday--You are Special: On the left side is the child who had/is having a birthday, and on the right is the name of the person who provided for their birthday party...

Building Living Stones: Past and Coming Birthdays

Building Living Stones: Past and Coming Birthdays: Help us celebrate that these children are special! www.wribrazil.com/10forthem Special thanks to those who have contributed so far! Birthd...

Building Living Stones: Josefa's Birthday

Building Living Stones: Josefa's Birthday: (Josefa and Rachel) They moved. Their old house was demolished. It wasn’t much of a house: made of taipa ( Clay, mud, and sticks), but ever...

Building Living Stones: Celebrating

Building Living Stones: Celebrating: We celebrated the birthdays at Mussurepe and Cajueiro Claro: Alan Girlaine Joelma Pastor Flavio Mercia (Rumor has it that there will soon ...

Building Living Stones: March Birthdays

Building Living Stones: March Birthdays: Since Carnival is taking up most of the rest of February, Here are the March Birthdays a little early. If you would like to contribute to th...

Building Living Stones: January and February Birthdays

Building Living Stones: January and February Birthdays: The $ 10 for Them program began when a friend remarked “Is there some way that instead of my kid getting more toys for his birthday, a chil...

Introducing Living Stones

This blog is to keep you updated with what is going on with the Living Stones $10 FOR THEM Birthday program in Northeast Brazil.  If this is your first time hearing about Living Stones, or you would like a quick refresh, here is a quick look at the program:
Living Stones serves impoverished children.
We work with many street children (a term used for both market children--who work in the streets and live with their families--and homeless street children--who work, live and sleep in the streets, often lacking contact with their families: Casa Alianza, Worldwide Statistics, Sept. 2000) and at-risk children who apply for help and welfare assistance in the urban context, and generally impoverished children in rural context.
Each child is individual, as well as their story and needs, whether they are temporarily or permanently in need. For most of these children, the meal they receive at Living Stones is the only hot meal they will have all day. We help them scholastically and nutritionally, enabling them to go to school instead of spending that time begging/working for food.
Living Stones is located in Northeast Brazil with World Renewal Brazil.
Working under the ministry of World Renewal Brazil (http://www.wribrazil.com/), Living Stones is a program individually connected with and under its respective church to serve the children in their community.

Living Stones is a community outreach and church planting ministry.
We work with churches who desire to either 1. Begin a new church plant, or 2. Expand their church ministry within their community. We come alongside our brothers and sisters in Brazil to help train them and give them the resources to make a lasting difference in their community.
Through the week = Living Stones
On Sundays = A new church plant, or community outreach
Living Stones LENDs: enabling churches to provide Love, Education, Nutrition, and Direction
Each Living Stone program is set up to help their community in the best way possible. Some are full-time programs, serving two groups per day, in conjunction with the school system. One group goes to school in the morning, 1:00-4:00pm Living Stones (lunch and classes), and the other group comes 8-11am Living Stones (classes and then lunch), and goes to school in the afternoon. Some Living Stones are half-day programs,  some are in conjunctions with Glory Sports ministries, and some are on the weekends.

You can help Living Stones LEND by giving a HAND
Have a HEART for the ministry, investing a part of yourself. ASSISTANCE by coming to Brazil yourself is always welcome and needed (opportunities at http://www.wribrazil.com) . Please take the NEEDS of the ministry before the Lord (find out more at www.buildinglivingstones.blogspot.com) , who supplies abundantly, and lastly, DONATIONS are always a blessing (at www.wribrazil.com/livingstones.html).  
The cost of the Living Stones program is approximately $1 a day per child. Please pray about supporting a child with a monthly donation of $30 (www.wribrazil.com/foundationbuilder) Once 60 people are committed, we can begin to plant a new Living Stones program and church in a community.